Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...
We are truly living in prophetic times and witnessing events without historical precedent. In Leviticus 25, God gave the year of Jubilee to the children of Israel. The Jubilee was a holy year, the year of restoration, reconciliation, freedom, return, rest, blessing, and the favor of God. 2025 will be the Vatican's Year of Jubilee. This year will witness an unprecedented twist.
In the last Jubilee of the Catholic church, in the year 2000, the Vatican and Pope John Paul II expressed their outrage over the fact that the LGBT World Pride celebration was being held in Rome the same year. In this year's Jubilee there will also be an LGBT celebration in Rome, but there will be no outrage expressed by the pope or the Vatican. For this year the LGBT event will be PART of the Vatican's Jubilee. In fact, the Vatican will be hosting it!
Though, when pressed on the matter, the Vatican has sought to withhold comment, the LGBT event was approved by the Pope himself. The event will represent the first time in history that an LGBT event will be included in the Vatican's Holy Year celebrations. The event will be led by an Italian LGBT organization that has depicted Jesus with a rainbow halo and as a transsexual.
All this would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. And ,yet, for anyone closely following the actions of Pope Francis, it could not have come as a surprise. Early in his papacy, Francis answered a comment concerning homosexuality with the words, "Who am I to judge?" Since then, he has continually recognized, honored, met with, and elevated those in the Catholic church advocating for the acceptance of homosexuality.
It was just this past year when he approved special blessing ceremonies for homosexual, lesbian, and LGBT couples. It was at that same time, that something strange happened in the pope's homeland of Argentina and in the province of Buenos Aires, the pope's home city. There stood a statue of the man the Catholic church views as the "first pope," the disciple Peter. On Pope Francis' birthday, a lightning bolt struck the statue, removed the halo from its head, the "keys of the kingdom" from its grip, and eviscerated its right hand, the hand of blessing.
God is not mocked. And we are living in what the Bible foretold as the days of apostasy, the great "falling away." In such times, it is crucial that God's people become all the more immoveable in the Word of God. This month seek to become all the more steadfast, strong, and rock solid on the Solid Rock. And may God greatly bless you this month as you do!
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,
I hope you’re doing great in the Lord’s love.
First, the breakdown in the White House meeting this past Friday has the potential of spurring prophetic events in several different ways – 1) Europe - It will spur Europe to seek to rise up as an independent military power 2) Russia - It will likely embolden Russia with regard to future invasions (Ezekiel 38) 3) China - And it may embolden China with regard to Taiwan and future aggressions (Revelation) – We must as always – pray for God’s will!
The Festival of Purim! – Purim is considered the most fun-filled of all the Festivals of the Bible. It also contains a powerful message and a mystery that has everything to do with end-time believers and our times. This Weekend we’ll be having 2 Different Festival of Purim Celebrations – Friday Night & Sunday Morning – I’ll be Giving a Special Message – We’ll have The Purim Quiz Contest (2 Different Contests, Fri & Sun) – The Biblical Mystery Guest (3 Different Guests for the 3 Services) – and … maybe… an appearance by Haman (If our Security Ministry lets him in!) - Invite out others – It’s this Weekend – The Friday Night Purim Celebration – This Friday, 8PM – and The Sunday Morning Purim Celebrations – This Sunday, 10AM and 11:30AM - For More Info See Below …
THE NEW SPECIAL 7 WEEK COURSES – Check out the New Line-Up of Special Classes (in the P.S. section and in the Announcements Further Below) – They include The Gospel in the Shamayim (the Heavens) – Could the heavens, the stars, reveal the Gospel? From Glory to Glory: The Secrets of Transformation – The keys for real transformation in your life into the new self! An Exploration of Judea and Samaria – Journey to the lands and people of the Bible – a special course for women - The Language of Messiah, Learning Biblical Hebrew – Learn to read the Bible in the original language & even worship in Hebrew – Biblical Dance Worship/ Praise Him in Dance! – Worship in a New Way! The Biblical way as David and Miriam did! *The Courses Will Start March 16 – Sunday – at 1pm - After the Second Service – And the next Solid Rock Disipleship Semester begins Friday March 14 at 7PM - See More info further on.
Joshua Aaron in Concert and Ministry – One of the leading worship leaders in Israel and the world – Comes to Beth Israel this month!
More people are coming out – Now is the time to invite people in your life who need the Lord out to the services to hear the Word!
See below for everything else:
God greatly bless you this week!